Writer’s Workshops

Anna loves connecting with readers and writers. A former, award-winning high school teacher, she enjoys getting back in class, and presents regularly at conferences and online. Please reach out to Anna directly to schedule an in-person or virtual event.

If one of Anna’s novels is on your book club’s list, she would love to meet your group! She is happy to visit in person, or chat over Zoom or Google Meets.

Anna is available to talk about writing, books, genre fiction and the author’s journey. With decades of experience as an award winning high school teacher, Anna loves to work with readers and writers of all ages. Please reach out to schedule an in-person or virtual event.

Do you even need to ask? College writing programs, high school creative writing classes, middle school poetry units, Anna is always down for a chat with the next generation of writers.

Anna teaches the following workshops, and is open to new topics on request. Drop her a note on the contact page to inquire about speaking engagements at conferences, with writing groups, or individual coaching.

Breaking into Category Romance

Do you dream of having your romance traditionally published by major publishers like Harlequin, Entangled, or Tule? Breaking into Category Romance is a one-hour course on how to craft a romance novel acquiring editors will be thrilled to add to their line.

The course goes over the basics of category romance and explains how it can be a good entry point for authors who dream of a traditionally, or self-published career. It examines the major guidelines for writing category romance, then uses the author’s personal experience in explaining how to follow these guidelines to publishing success!

Love and Book Deals: Finding and Maintaining an Effective Critique Group for Success

Are you ready to take your writing to the next level? Join authors Kristine Lynn, Katie Frey and Anna Grace for this seminar on the power of a strong critique group. You’ll learn how and where to connect with other writers, choose the right partners for your career path, give and receive valuable criticism, and cultivate and maintain strong partnerships. Participants will be encouraged to reach out to others in the seminar to try our “first ten pages” technique for vetting potential partners. This workshop is for writers of all stages who have struggled to find and keep good writing partners.

Outline, Synopsis, Blurb: The Triple Crown of Efficiency to Prep and Package Your Novel

“I love writing a synopsis!” said no one, ever. As writers we are wildly creative, and prefer to spend our time crafting witty banter and creating a rich and immersive setting for our characters. But in order to sell our books, we need blurbs, synopses, and elevator pitches. In order to finish our books, we need to make sure we’re hitting the major beats readers expect in a romance.

What if there was a way to seamlessly set yourself up for success in your manuscript, and tackle the pesky synopsis and dreaded blurb with one simple system? Join Harlequin author Anna Grace to learn her system for preparing and packaging for a novel.

This presentation covers the key elements editors, agents and readers need to know about your book before they commit to reading it, and how you can use these elements to outline your novel in advance, write a synopsis quickly, boil it all down to a blurb, and yes, even a two-line elevator pitch.